
Foreign debt as a factor of the underdevelopment

Undoubtedly, live "in debt" is the destiny of the underdeveloped countries. However, debts may have and the country at large is not related to the category of the poor. Such debts do not play a decisive role in the development of their economies (such as Russia).
The total external debt of developing countries has exceeded 1 trillion dollars. This is an astronomical figure, thus threatening the global financial crisis. All stranydolzniki can be divided into three groups. The first category includes countries owed large amounts so that it would "undermine" the international financial system. This group would include first of all Latin American Nations such as Brazil, Mexico and others. The second group of borrowers are the most backward countries with very low income, most of which are located in sub-Saharan Africa. The challenges facing them are more serious and less manageable than those facing the largest debtors from the previous group. Despite the fact that the total amount of foreign debt is relatively small, they are unable to bear the financial burden and even to pay interest to creditors. These countries face a very long and dangerous crisis caused by poverty and underdevelopment. Finally, the third group of debtors are those who successfully withstand the burden of payment. For example, India, experience which gives lessons on how to manage debt (rather than letting it turn into "the noose") and what kind of economic policies to pursue.
The problem of growth of external debt in recent years has become one of the most difficult in international economic relations.