
Ecology of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere

The world land trust

The total area of the Land Fund is 134 million km2, or 13.4 billion hectares. If the total area of land taken for 100%, the share of processed (arable) land accounts for approximately 10%, 28% forest, meadows and pastures — 20%, ice sheets — 10%, deserts, bedlendov, built-up land is 32%. Thus, in the field of agricultural production used about 30% of the world land trust.

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Ecology pedosfery

Soil, their role in the development of wildlife. The soil cover on the planet — is an essential component of the pedosphere ecological systems, land and biosphere as a whole. It is known that the soil is a product of living matter on the rocks. The soils are a close pair of small and large geological cycles in nature. Hence their critical role in the exchange of material between the animate and inanimate matter.

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Cleaning and disinfection of wastewater

The methods used in the world for the treatment and disposal of wastewater, various: 1) mechanical; 2) biological (biochemical); 3) physico-chemical; 4) decontamination (disinfection measures).

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Hydrosphere contamination

Many of the hydrosphere and pollutants they differ little from air pollutants. However, there are features associated with the fizikohimiceskimi processes and reactions.

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Water use and water consumption

The main difference between these notions is that water consumers (many branches of industry, agriculture, etc.) use water, while water users (transport, water transport, hydroelectricity, etc.) it does not consume. Therefore, from an environmental point of view, the main danger comes from the water, while water users contribute to the pollution of the hydrosphere (e.g. marine transport).

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Hydrosphere ecology

Water, its circulation and its role in the biosphere. Water is the most common compound on the planet, the basis of all life processes, the main source of oxygen which process on Earth is photosynthesis. (As it is known, the flora consists of 90% water, animals and people is at 75%, while its loss at 10-12% for the latter means death.) Water can be in three aggregation States: liquid, solid and gaseous, and liquid-only fresh and salty, and the solid and gaseous — just fresh.

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The thinning of the ozone layer of the atmosphere

As you know, life on Earth appeared only after a protective ozone layer of the Earth. For many centuries, nothing foretold trouble. However, in recent decades it has been noticed that since about 1975, the each spring over Antarctica formed the so-called ozone hole: the content of ozone in the stratosphere over the sixth continent is reduced to 50%.

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Atmosphere and its composition

The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere, its mass is negligible — only one millionth of the mass of the Earth, but the role in all natural processes is enormous. Availability around the globe of the atmosphere determines the total thermal conditions of the planet's surface and protects it from harmful cosmic rays and ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Circulation in the atmosphere affects the local climatic conditions and, through them, to the regime of rivers, pocvennorastitel?nyj cover and on relief formation process.

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Atmospheric pollution

Under pollution refers to the process of bringing in the air, or the education of physical agents, chemical substances or organisms, adversely affecting the living environment or damage property. In a sense, pollution can be considered and air removal from individual gas components (in particular, oxygen) major technological objects. And it's not just that fit into the atmosphere of gases, dust, sulfur, lead and other substances harmful to the human body, they adversely affect the cycles of many of the features on Earth. Polluting and toxic substances are transported over long distances, with precipitation falls into the soil, surface water and groundwater, in the oceans, poisoning the environment, have a negative impact on obtaining plant mass.

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