
North-South: problem of underdevelopment

Geography of retardation

Africa. African countries constitute an absolute majority in the list of least developed countries in the world — 26 out of 36. At the beginning of the 1990s, Africa accounted for no more than 10% of the world's agricultural production; 1.5% of industrial; 2% of the world production of services. If Latin America has approximately 45 per cent of children of school age; in Asia, 35 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa is only 11%. Three quarters of the population are illiterate. 40% of Africans have annual income below $ 250. (that is, below the official poverty line). Only one malaria kills 1 million Africans.

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Foreign debt as a factor of the underdevelopment

Undoubtedly, live "in debt" is the destiny of the underdeveloped countries. However, debts may have and the country at large is not related to the category of the poor. Such debts do not play a decisive role in the development of their economies (such as Russia).

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Options for underdeveloped

As is well known, common concepts: underdevelopment, poverty, poverty, misery and other, similar, do not contain strict quantitative parameters. The "narrow-minded" level of consciousness it is scanty food, bad clothing, dilapidated housing. At a higher level — the level of complexity of the material and spiritual needs is also a State of mind. Over the years, people experiencing hardship and material deprivation, get used to think only about the "daily bread". Poverty as a "dreadful Doom" of the soul, a lack of interest in life.

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Backwardness and geographical environment

Among the reasons for the backwardness of developing countries are often referred to as geographical factors of particular interest in this case. For example, the reference to the adverse psychological effects of hot climate, as well as on "volatility" tropical soils, which allegedly crippling the development of agriculture, and through him, and industrial development. Such "neodeterministskie" ideas in fact do not contain anything new. Yet the French philosopher Montesquieu of the 17th century in his famous treatise "the spirit of laws", while questioning the teleologiceskuu concept, explaining the socioeconomic history of the "will of God", had gone to the other extreme, taking the position of a vulgar geografizma. He claimed that the hot climate, influencing the physical nature of man and his spiritual warehouse, leads to the development of slavery, while the temperate climate, has a beneficial effect on the intellect, promotes the formation of energetic and strong-willed nature, determines the progressive form of Government, and so on.

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Backwardness and colonialism

As already stated, stereotyped izderzkoj Soviet field literature was the explanation of the backwardness of developing countries largely to their colonial past. This viewpoint, bias going back to class struggle in science today is obvious. For example, some developing countries, long after independence, have made too little success in its development, other (newly industrialized countries) are today among the leaders.

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The roots of underdevelopment

What are the reasons for the backwardness of developing countries? The responses to this question in our "doperestroecnoj" literature there is a great deal of confusion.

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North-South: the problem of underdevelopment

Key concepts in the analysis of the global problem of underdevelopment are "social development" and "social progress", which are often treated as synonyms. However, the identification of these concepts is not always legitimate. Social development is not necessarily the same progress: it revealed upward, downward, and circular movements, as well as the stagnation (i.e. "marking time"), when the story, according to Hegel, not moves forward. In any case, for the analysis of common problems of social development and social progress, you must at least have a clear criteria.

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