
The problem of technological accidents

An issue of planetary-scale disaster was man-made, natural disasters of any relationship.
The history of such events goes back many centuries. Another wooden Moscow since the Foundation of the endlessly chased fires. Burned out in my time and wood of Chicago. In 1912, the world circled the sensational news of the loss of the Titanic.
When confronted in the open ocean with an iceberg, dazzles he forever in the sea a thousand people. Photographic character disasters has long remained a picture of the airship "Hindenburg" exploded in 1937, g. near the quay Tower City Lejkhersta (United States) immediately after arrival from Europe. People of the older generation remembers the terrible black death the linear ship "Novorossiysk" in 1955, when more than 600 perished sailors.
"Chain reaction" disasters of recent decades does not stop: an explosion at a chemical plant in Bhopal (India) — 5000 victims, Chernobyl, the death of the American space shuttle "Challenger", the tragic flooding of our newest submarine Komsomolets, breakout produktovoda near Ufa, kills more than 400 pilgrims on their way to venerate the Holy Kaaba stone, the sunken Estonia ferry with passengers. "
Nearly every potentially dangerous production in the West, there is the so-called "protection against fools", i.e. the technological process is controlled by a system of automatics, which "protects" the production from failures, wrong decisions, etc. Today one person's mistake, an incorrect calculation of the design engineers, operator error, computer programmer threatened to turn into another "disaster of the century".
Its ugly to "deceased statistics" are making road, sea and rail transport. In Russia in recent years, there has been a lot of accidents with explosive cargo, in particular with liquid chlorine. .Memory CHP, a Government Commission searching for the perpetrators. But the question can be put and otherwise: (a) whether we should carry this liquid chlorine? May be incorrectly placed the plant or a mistake in the calculation of power consumption of a substance? An impartial analysis of the technological nature of many ills in addition to investigative officials can take part and other experts, in particular the geographers.
One of the most dangerous professions in the world remains the profession of coal miner. Despite all the security measures, the number of annual deaths in mines work great, especially in the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of CHINA, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, India, South Africa. It is first of all the coal mines with high metanoobil?nost?u that is always fraught with explosions of gas. Almost every mine tragedy is a direct result of the gross violation of occupational safety in underground excavations.
In science there is a mathematically sound long catastrophe theory, offering a description of any system (plant, mines, aircraft, etc.), where you can clearly see, if any of the parameters is unstable and is close to the accident. These options — structural strength, tightness of valves, etc. having a permanent sensor, you can, in theory, prevent the majority of impending disasters.
There is evidence that the global problem of technological accidents and insufficient attention in the world. In this delicate technical world industrial accidents can ruin thousands (47). Bringing together scientists and industrialists from different countries can be very useful in alleviating this global problem. "