
Human environment and quality

Under the environmental medium most often means the combination of the conditions and influences. If the environment is understood, then it can be many things: and the Earth and the atmosphere, and even outer space. In other words, the environment covers a set of physical, chemical and biological entities, as well as social factors that may directly or indirectly, instantly or a lot of time affect all living creatures and the people.
However, in the literature on social ecology is more "convenient" and, perhaps, less "naukoobraznoe" definition of environment is a natural human environment and public works, in which man lives as natural and social creature.
Thus, the human environment has two related parts: the natural (natural) and the public. The first part of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, plants, animals, micro-organisms, that man is not only physically, but spiritually. The constituent elements of the second part of the same environment serve society, social processes and formation of which man sells himself as a social creature.
The public components between natural and human living environment there is a dialectical relationship. It manifests as in the influence of the public component of the natural, and vice versa. This relationship is particularly evident when the violation (degradation) of one of the components. This is one of the ";" laws of Ecology: degradation of one sooner or later leads to the degradation of another.
One of the key notions in social ecology is "quality environment". As it is known, is a widespread idea of the quality of the living environment often has nothing to do with the social ecology, because ignoring the issue of ecological balance. However, this balance can be achieved, if the nature of the production process come from awareness of the limited capacity of the biosphere, i.e. the existence of non-renewable resources, without which human life becomes impossible.
It should not be forgotten that the notion of "quality environment" is associated with the quality of not only natural, but also the public environment. Meanwhile, the quality of the latter in the literature has been clearly insufficient, although the "pollution of public environment is not less dangerous than natural pollution. At the end of the 20th century, many millions of people suffer from moral crisis, uncertainty, constant stiffness, feeling of dissatisfaction with life itself, and so on.